PI Behavioral Assessment: Should You Be Using It To Recruit?

June 19, 2023

pi behavioral assessment should you be using it to recruit

In today's competitive job market, finding the right candidates who possess not only the required skills but also the right behavioral fit for your organization can be a challenge.

The PI Behavioral Assessment is a tool that aims to evaluate an individual's behavioral traits, providing valuable insights into their potential job performance and compatibility with your company's culture.

In this article, we will explore what the PI Behavioral Assessment is, why it is important, what it measures, the test format, the benefits of using it, and alternative assessment options.

By the end, you will have a better understanding of whether the PI Behavioral Assessment is the right fit for your recruitment process.

What is the PI Behavioral assessment?

The PI Behavioral Assessment, developed by Predictive Index, is a scientifically validated assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual's behavioral drives and needs.

It provides an understanding of an individual's natural workplace behaviors and offers valuable insights into how they may respond in various work-related situations.

The assessment aims to uncover an individual's inherent behavioral tendencies, helping employers make more informed decisions during the hiring process.

Why is the PI Behavioral assessment important?

The PI Behavioral Assessment holds significance in recruitment for several reasons. It goes beyond assessing technical skills and qualifications, focusing on the critical aspect of behavioral fit.

Understanding candidates' behavioral patterns allows employers to evaluate how well they align with the role requirements and the organization's culture.

This insight helps in predicting job performance, employee satisfaction, and the potential for long-term success within the company.

What does the PI Behavioural assessment measure?

pi behavioral assessment should you be using it to recruit

The PI Behavioral Assessment measures four primary behavioral factors, providing a comprehensive understanding of an individual's workplace behavior. These factors shed light on various aspects of their work style and can help predict their potential performance and fit within your organization.


The Dominance factor assesses an individual's drive to exert influence and control over their environment. Individuals with a high dominance score tend to be assertive, confident decision-makers who take charge and drive results. They thrive in positions that require leadership, initiative, and the ability to make tough decisions.


Extroversion evaluates an individual's level of sociability and outgoingness. Those with a high extroversion score are energized by social interactions and excel in roles that involve networking, teamwork, and engaging with others. They bring enthusiasm and an ability to build relationships, making them effective communicators and collaborators.


The Patience factor measures an individual's tolerance for a slower pace, attention to detail, and preference for stability and consistency. Individuals with a high patience score are known for their methodical approach, focus on quality, and ability to handle repetitive tasks. They excel in roles that require meticulousness, precision, and the ability to work in structured environments.


Formality gauges an individual's inclination toward following established rules, structure, and conformity in their work approach. Those with a high formality score prioritize orderliness, adherence to protocols, and maintaining professional standards. They excel in roles that demand attention to detail, compliance, and a methodical approach.

By assessing these four behavioral factors, the PI Behavioral Assessment provides a nuanced understanding of how individuals are likely to behave in the workplace. The results can help you identify candidates who possess the behavioral traits necessary for success in specific roles and align with your organizational culture.

What is the format of the PI Behavioral assessment?

The PI Behavioral Assessment typically consists of a series of questions that require candidates to select statements that most and least describe their behaviors.

The questions are designed to capture various aspects of the four behavioral factors.

The assessment is usually conducted online and takes around six minutes to complete.

The scoring is based on a standardized algorithm, and the results generate a behavioral profile that highlights the candidate's strengths and areas of focus.

What are the benefits of using the PI Behavioral assessment?

Using the PI Behavioral Assessment in the recruitment process offers several benefits.

Firstly, it helps improve candidate selection by identifying individuals whose behavioral drives align with the role requirements and the company's culture. This improves the chances of finding candidates who are a good fit for the position.

Secondly, it enhances understanding by providing valuable insights into how candidates are likely to behave in specific work situations, enabling better alignment of job responsibilities.

Thirdly, research has shown that the PI Behavioral Assessment has increased predictive validity for job success, indicating its effectiveness in identifying individuals who are more likely to excel in the role.

Lastly, using the PI Behavioral Assessment can potentially reduce turnover rates and improve employee retention by ensuring a better fit between the candidates and the organization.

Should you be using the PI Behavioral assessment?

pi behavioral assessment should you be using it to recruit

Determining whether to incorporate the PI Behavioral Assessment into your recruitment process requires careful consideration. While the assessment offers valuable insights, several factors should be evaluated before making a decision.

Firstly, consider the nature of the role you are hiring for. The PI Behavioral Assessment is particularly beneficial for positions where behavioral fit is crucial, such as customer-facing roles or team-oriented positions.

Roles that require strong leadership or conflict resolution skills can also benefit from assessing behavioral traits. However, for roles where technical expertise outweighs behavioral aspects, other assessment methods may be more appropriate.

Secondly, evaluate the importance of behavioral fit within your organizational culture. If your company places a high emphasis on team collaboration, cultural alignment, or specific behavioral attributes, the PI Behavioral Assessment can help identify candidates who align well with these requirements.

However, if your organization prioritizes skills and experience over behavioral traits, alternative assessments or interview techniques may be more suitable.

Furthermore, consider the resources available for conducting assessments. Implementing the PI Behavioral Assessment requires training and expertise in interpreting the results accurately. Ensure that you have access to professionals who can effectively administer and analyze the assessment.

Finally, consider the financial and time investments required to integrate the assessment into your recruitment process.

Alternatives to the PI Behavioral assessment

While the PI Behavioral Assessment is a widely used tool, there are alternative assessments available. Examples include DISC assessments, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and HEXACO. These assessments may focus on different aspects of behavior or personality and offer alternative approaches to evaluating candidates' fit for the role.

In conclusion, the PI Behavioral Assessment provides valuable insights into candidates' behavioral drives and needs, aiding in better candidate selection and job fit.

However, its suitability for your recruitment process depends on various factors. Assessing the role requirements, organizational culture, and available resources will help determine whether the PI Behavioral Assessment or alternative assessments are the best fit for your hiring needs.

Ultimately, using effective behavioral assessments can significantly contribute to making informed recruitment decisions and building a strong and cohesive team.

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