Document Management

Keep all your files safe and secure

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All your documents in one place

Contracts, payslips, leave requests, references and a range of other documents can all be stored in one place. Our user permissions mean that the documents can be accessed by only those with permission to see them.

Store in a safe place

Never lose another document by storing them all in one, fully backed-up safe vault. Use our electronic signature to ensure documents are not only safe, but legal too.

Create the folders you need

Create the folders you need

Automate with workflows

Neuroworx provides workflows with approvals specific to each type of document. This allows you to assign specific reviewers and permissions and select steps once the document is approved or rejected.

Boost your hiring power.
Start using Neuroworx today.

Talk is cheap. We offer a 7-day free trial so you can see our platform for yourselves.

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